Child Assessment Unit: Depression, Anxiety, Beck Youth Inventory, IQ Test (WASI), wkï‡`i †hme cwi‡e‡k wbqš¿Y Kiv gykwKj Zv cwigvc‡Yi †¯‹j, wkï‡`i AvPiYMZ mgm¨v, AvMÖvmb gvbK AvB‡m¼ e¨w³Z¡ cÖkœgvjv.
Adult Assessment Unit: Depression, Anxiety, OCD, IQ test, General mental health assessment, SRQ, Social Interaction & Anxiety Scale, Social Avoidance Scale, Perceived Stress scale, Personality test, Fagerstrom Test For Nicotine Dependency(translated version), Satisfaction with life scale, Love obsession, Locke-Wallace Short Marital Adjustment Test (1957), Dhaka University Cognitive Distortion Scale (DUCDS), Dysfunctional attitude scale.
Education & developmental program: Aimed to develop mental health professionals though providing different types of training like Training for psychosocial counselor, Basic counseling skill training, CBT training, Training on Creative tool & techniques, Training on systemic Therapy, Applied Behavior Analysis, Training on Behavior management, Training on suicide Assessment & prevention, Training on Art Therapy etc.